In the space, it is similar to landscaping with hardscapes for decorations.
4. Prepare Delicious Food

The most vital part of the wedding reception is the food that you cook for your guests. Apart from taste and presentation having a lavish meal at your wedding will make it memorable as your guests will always be talking about their food. Create a menu with tasty food and mouthwatering drinks. Hire a catering company to help you make an inventory of food items to prepare for the celebration. The main courses you can ask your caterer to prepare are Mac and Cheese, sandwiches of pork, meatballs, grilled barbecue, and roasted potatoes.

The best way to find out is to research the food preferences of guests, and record these in your event’s planner. You should inform your caterer about any allergies you guests may be suffering from. While you cannot eliminate allergy-causing foods, you can prepare alternative meals to serve your guests. The best way to bring snacks at your event with innovative ideas like a popcorn machine, an ice cream station as well as a pizza tray or a donuts bar.

5. Gifts to friends and family

It is customary that guests give the marrying couples some things, giving the guests some keepsakes can be a big help in making your wedding memorable. It is possible to give them exclusive present items that help keep your memories of the wedding in your mind. As they’re friends whom you’ve met, it’d be good to customize the present based upon what they prefer.

Instead of gifting edibles and other temporary things provide durable present like pets, custom T-shirt printing or books, jewelry and even live plants. This should be a reflection of your gratitude of their participation on your wedding day and make sense to them. The goal is to present your guests something they will cherish and make them remember your wedding day for many years.

6. Employ a professional photographer

Wedding planners should incorporate professional photos as an essential element. A photographer will capture all the details of your important day from the beg
